Hi, I've been using Emacs+Org Mode on my Linux and Android devices for some time now and have been encountering some little synchronization issues that have made it difficult for me to use Org as a task manager.
I've encountered no big issues regarding long documents or note writing, but due to the frequently interleaved sessions between my laptop and my smartphone - sometimes in areas without Internet connection - it is kind of frequent to have conflicting files generated from SyncThing among my Org agenda (task) files, which are edited way more frequently. One such concrete instance of this problem is when I clock-in an entry from my smartphone and then try to edit another entry from my laptop with no Internet connection. Syncthing has no way to perform an automatic conflict resolution and couldn't care less if the edits on the .org file are disjointed or not. Git can deal with conflicting files line-wise and apparently many users do use it, but having to deal with pulling and pushing each time does not look compelling and it also does not look intended for automatic synchronization. Org mode looks incredibly versatile as a task manager and no alternative turns out to be on par, but the synchronization issues grudgingly strive me from using it. I'm writing this message to ask you if there's some alternative solution I've not considered yet. Alternatively, I'd also like to now if there could be in the future solutions like obsidian-livesync (https://github.com/vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync) which apparently allow to perform live synchronization over multiple writes on the same file. I don't really need to know if someone will work on it (which is obviously unpredictable) but rather if it would be feasible or if Emacs (being single threaded, for example) and Org could instead be a blocker. Thank you in advance for your answers. Cheers.