Matt <> writes:

> Thank you for bringing this to my attention and thank you Nathaniel for your 
> work on this.

No problem, I'm glad to contribute to Org :)

> Nathaniel, if you and I happen to cross paths in one of Ihor's "office
> hours," I would enjoy learning more about what you're doing.


With this patch I'm attempting to fontify the regions bounded by ANSI
escape sequences (just the color codes) in an Org buffer using the
built-in ansi-color package to do the processing of the sequences.  The
challenge, for me, seems to be making ansi-color aware of Org
element/object boundaries.

I am aware of other ANSI escape codes that would be useful to process
such as the carriage return and which appear, as you mentioned, when
dealing with progress bars in a shell session. Those escape codes are
not being handled at the moment. Although, I do have some experience in
processing them in an Org buffer when developing my Emacs-Jupyter
project. I would be glad to attempt handling these kinds of sequences in
Org proper as well.


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