Andreas Burtzlaff wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 02:29:30 +0200 meingbg <> wrote:
>> > | a |  b | c |
>> > |---+----+---|
>> > | a |  2 | 2 |
>> > | b |  3 | 7 |
>> > | c | -3 | 4 |
>> > | d |  5 | 9 |
>> > #+TBLFM: $3=...@-1::@2$3=$2

> If @2$3 is manually set to 2 in the table, then the formulas produce
> the expected outcome. So, the problem seems to be the order of
> execution. If column c is cleared and the formulas are executed, @2$3
> is read to be 0 for the summation and is set to 2 only afterwards.
> Swapping the order in the TBLFM line doesn't help.
> Is the order something like field formulas after column formulas?
> Any chance to influence that?

Evaluating the field formulas before the column formulas is in general a bad
idea.  Results of the field formulas will always be overwritten by the column
formulas (if there is a conflict).

Here you need to evaluate the spreadsheet twice to yield the intended result (I
get a 5 in field @2$3).  From info:org:Updating the table:

> `C-u C-u C-c *'
> `C-u C-u C-c C-c'
>      Iterate the table by recomputing it until no further changes occur.
>      This may be necessary if some computed fields use the value of
>      other fields that are computed later in the calculation sequence.


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