[p.s.  not saying this will satisfy ardent users, just bringing up the
idea in case it is of use.]

On 8/24/23, Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> iiuc bastien brought up the use of a no export this heading tag as an
> alternative to inline tasks.  we have much or all of this capability
> in faq.
> i was thinking the same thing.  perhaps many use cases could have
> inline tasks as siblings below the document heading, and undesired
> headers could be just not exported.
> i was also wondering if links and/or some type of transclusion could
> also obviate inline tasks.  the formerly-inline task would contain a
> link to a target above the paragraph.  c-c c-c on that location would
> take you back to the task.
> On 8/24/23, Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 24/08/2023 19:21, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>>> As I described, I often want inlinetasks to be exported and to be
>>> displayed in my agenda/sparse tree views
>> It sounds like that if agenda had hooks allowing to gather either
>> :inlinetask:...:end: drawers or #+begin_inlinetask...#+end_inlinetask
>> custom blocks then ************** END would not be necessary.
> --
> The Kafka Pandemic
> A blog about science, health, human rights, and misopathy:
> https://thekafkapandemic.blogspot.com

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