Hi Bastien,

Thanks for coming back to my request!

I'm not sure if Sebastian has already implemented it or not. I saw my
friends using a software on Mac called aquaminds to produce webnotes, and
that "expand" button is very useful when presenting across the internet
during net-work meeting.

Here is the one example page (including the "?1" after html):


On this page, one can see the  minus sign can be clicked and become plus
sign ...


On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Bastien <bastiengue...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi Xin,
> Xin Shi <shixin...@gmail.com> writes:
> > I'm wondering if it's easy to implement the "javascript expand collapse"
> in the
> > published page.
> >
> > [This might be  work for Sebastian again :-), but I think this feature
> > shall be useful. ]
> How does it differ from what Sebastian already implemented?
> --
>  Bastien
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