Bastien Guerry <> writes:

> (1) by always store the latest link on top and remove old dups.
> (2) always store latest link at the top and remove old dups and allow
>     to keep dups with 3 universal prefix args.
> ...
> I'm in favor of option (2) as it deals with the above use-case, and
> storing a link for each lines in the active region should be the
> default behavior anyway, with no need for a prefix arg.

I am not sure if C-u C-u C-u override is the best design.
If the user wants to store duplicates, she will be forced to use C-u C-u
C-u every single time. And a single slip forgetting to use the prefix
arg will clear the already stored duplicates.

Also, it is not clear how to use a single C-u or double C-u C-u yet
keeping duplicates.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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