A while back, I configured Emacs' default face to use the Inconsolata font slightly smaller than how it appeared at first. (It shows up in .emacs as ":height 98" -- what is 98, I'm not sure.)
Now the trouble is, =verbatim segments= appear slightly larger than the text around it. As it's a programming related article that I'm writing, there are a LOT of verbatim bits and it's extremely distracting to see variable line heights. I dug into org-faces and found Org Verbatim face. This inherits from fixed-pitch, so I tried to change it to have the same height property, but, no luck. I recall in prior versions of org that it was much easier to change the default font size. So anyway... what I would like to do is to set something, preferably in one place, and have ALL org faces follow suit. How to do this? Or, is it impossible? Org 9.5.2. Thanks. hjh