Evgenii Klimov <eugene....@lipklim.org> writes:

> I see in the comment there the reason for that, but still would prefer
> to use unique IDs in tangled files: the probability to overwrite wrong
> source block under nonunique header overweights a side-effect of
> creating new ID in Org file during tangling.

Did you actually encounter such situation?
`org-babel-detangle' is far from ideal in general.
For example, detangling noweb references is pretty much guaranteed to
create mess.

> Can we do something with this?  Add another option or provide an even
> eager value in =org-id-link-to-org-use-id=.

I do not like the idea of creating side effects in the original Org
document during tangling.
We can, however, use (org-id-link-to-org-use-id 'use-existing) to use
the already present IDs.

Ideally, we should improve the detangling to understand the order of
blocks better instead of searching the containing heading independently.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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