[emacs-29]$ ./src/emacs -Q -L ~jschmidt/work/org-mode/lisp/
(org-version nil t)
"Org mode version 9.7-pre (release_9.6.7-562-g5b6268 @
(setq org-hide-emphasis-markers t)
;; assume test.org being absent in cwd
C-x 4 f ;; find-file-other-window
t ;; self-insert-command
e ;; self-insert-command
s ;; self-insert-command
t ;; self-insert-command
. ;; self-insert-command
o ;; self-insert-command
r ;; self-insert-command
g ;; self-insert-command
<return> ;; minibuffer-complete-and-exit
* ;; org-self-insert-command
SPC ;; org-self-insert-command
t ;; org-self-insert-command
e ;; org-self-insert-command
s ;; org-self-insert-command
t ;; org-self-insert-command
C-c C-q ;; org-set-tags-command
t ;; self-insert-command
e ;; self-insert-command
s ;; self-insert-command
t ;; self-insert-command
<return> ;; exit-minibuffer
SPC ;; org-self-insert-command
= ;; org-self-insert-command
t ;; org-self-insert-command
e ;; org-self-insert-command
s ;; org-self-insert-command
t ;; org-self-insert-command
= ;; org-self-insert-command
SPC ;; org-self-insert-command
The final SPC after the closing equal sign lets point jump to before the
colon of the ":test:" tag.
Most likely, this is not limited to space, but that is just the
character I most frequently type after closing emphasis.