Hi Ihor,

> I do not think that setting `lexical-binding’ file-local variable in an
> Org file makes much sense. I am sure that we can do better.

I suppose part of the question is what sort of way we treat it? In my mind,
considering the current way lexical scope is seen in Emacs (used everywhere in
modern elisp, not on-by-default because that would break compat, is my
impression). I think it would make sense if this eventually ends up with a
“globally enabled everywhere by default” setting, which is why I think a
defcustom may be the best fit.

> I can see that there are people in favour of :lexical feature.
> So, we can probably add it, but it should not be in ob-core.
> Instead, we should provide an infrastructure allowing ob-* backends to
> modify tangling. Maybe some kind of special function that will override
> default `org-babel-spec-to-string’ per backend?

Mmm, something generic for backend-specific modification sounds like a good idea
to me.

All the best,

Timothy (‘tecosaur’/‘TEC’), Org mode contributor.
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
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