Hi Bastien,

On 2009-07-14 13:48:09(+0200), Bastien wrote:
> Hi James,
> welcome back.  Carsten is on vacation for three weeks and I'm
> maintaining Org in the meanwhile.

Thanks. I'd forgotten Carsten was away.

> I won't take the decision of adding new special properties without
> asking him so I don't apply this patch for now.  But I will use your
> patch for a while and see if I find it useful.  If others can test it
> as well and give their feedback, even better.

I use this mostly to check the age of entries when reviewing my todo lists;
either to cull old tasks I haven't started and aren't interested in any more, 
or to
remind me that I haven't worked on a task for a while and ought to do so.

I used to use the TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP_IA properties for this, and the new
properties work in more or less the same way but display the results


|-<James TD Smith>-<email/ahktenz...@mohorovi.cc>-|

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