Andrea Lazzarini <> writes:

> I now wonder if there is a way to prevent changing 
> eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p
> to nil globally to prevent footnotes from appearing there and not only in the
> eldoc-doc-buffer.

See the docstring for `eldoc-documentation-functions' - you can call the
CALLBACK directly, telling what to show in the echo area (:echo).

> Provided this might be considered useful, where could such a feature be
> implemented? I checked org-eldoc.el, but it looks like it aims at
> providing programming documentation inside org-mode rather than
> implementing specific org-oriented features.

Note that org-eldoc is not a part of Org - it is a third-party package
from org-contrib.

The right place to configure eldoc is org-mode definition in org.el - we
setup a number of major-mode specific settings. Configuring eldoc can be
considered a part of org-mode major mode setup.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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