>From your diagnostic report, it looks like you're using lualatex +
precompilation.  This can cause some issues, but not the ones you report
above so this is interesting. 

> 1. When a snippet contains a mistake, it correctly turns red, but no
> error message is shown when I hover my mouse over it. I have to switch
> to the *Org Preview LaTeX Output* to see the error.

This is a bug, could you list the steps to reproduce it?

> 2. Live previews do not work (like shown here
> https://tinyurl.com/5fu7z27w), although I am using the related options
> and use your branch up to the ---PATCH SET DIVIDER--- commit.

We don't think live previews will be ready or stable enough in time for
Org 9.7, so it is not currently part of the patch set.  It's available
as a later WIP (work in progress) commit on tecosaur's dev branch, if
you are interested in trying it.

> 4. Some key-binds (like C-c C-e to publish or C-c C-x C-l for
> latex-preview) do not work when the cursor is at the top of the file,
> before the first header.

This is also a bug, thanks for the report.  I'll look into it.


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