Mehmet Tekman <> writes:

> I've modified the ob-tangle.el file for the main tangling and
> detangling functions.  Most importantly, both functions can now
> exchange information from the source Org mode file to the target
> remote tangle file in either direction, depending on whether the
> source Org file has `:tangle-sync <action>' in the header.


> The action is one of:
> - "export" = always transmit information from the source Org mode
>              block to the target remote file.
> - "import" = always transmit information from the target remote
>              file to the source Org mode block.
> - "skip" = skip the block.
> - "both" = transmit information from source block to target block
>            or target block to source, depending on whether the
>            tangle or detangle is called from the source buffer or
>            the target buffer respectively.

May it be better to make :tangle header argument compound?
Like ":tangle "file" export". Similar to :results header argument. See
"16.6 Results of Evaluation" section of Org manual.

Also, some general comments on the patches:

1. Please make sure that patches do not leave Org in broken state in the
   middle of the patchset. Your patch #1 adds two `defun's in the middle
   of `org-babel-detangle', which is not right.
2. When naming private functions, "--" should be after library prefix:
3. Please do not use private functions from third-party libraries. I am
   talking about `cl--set-buffer-substring' in particular.

4. Please make sure that docstrings clearly describe what the function
   does, each of its arguments, and the expected return value.
   In the patch, `org-babel-detangle--block-contents', NEAREST is
   ambiguous. The actual meaning is "block at point or previous block".

5. Pay attention to buffer boundaries. In particular, remember that
   buffer may be narrowed when you call a command and that expressions
   like (+ 2 (line-beginning-position)) may resolve beyond

6. Avoid using cryptic list functions like `cdadar' when you can use
   something more readable.

7. When naming functions or macros, make sure that the name is roughly
   describing the purpose of the function. In `org-babel-detangle', you
   added `single-block-metrics' local function that does not only do the
   metrics, but also (unexpectedly!) calls
   `org-babel-detangle-single-block'. This is especially important for
   local functions that lack docstring.

8. In `org-babel-tangle', (setq block-counter (+ 1 block-counter))
   appears to be misplaced into outer sexp level after your patch.

9. In commit messages, please mark newly added functions clearly.
   Like "(org-babel-foo): New function. It does this and that."
   Same for commit summaries - "lisp/ob-tangle.el: Detangle a single
   block" is awkward. You should clearly indicate that you added
   something new to the library.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <>.
Support Org development at <>,
or support my work at <>

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