Morgan Willcock <> writes:

>> Therefore, Org mode is doing everything right within the scope of MD
>> specification we follow. Pandoc does not.
> I don't think that Markdown has a single specification.

Indeed. And the one in daringfireball is what we historically follow
since >10 years ago, when ox-md has been implemented.

> Perhaps it is a bug that ox-md is not following a specification, and
> this would be fixed by using a specification and passing its test suite:

Please provide concrete examples where ox-md does not follow

The title/caption issue herein does not qualify. also defines
![foo](/url "title") with "title" being the title, as we currently use
it in ox-md when exporting captions.


I agree that using as the source of truth will make more
sense, given that the original is not precise.

It would be helpful if someone examines whether ox-md is consistent with

> However, if ox-md is intentionally trying to match the behaviour of the
> original, the Pandoc format that matches this is
> "markdown_strict" and not "markdown".
> i.e. Pandoc's "markdown" format is not the same format which is
> described at

Indeed. ox-md is certainly not aiming to export to Pandoc's markdown

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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