Dear Org maintainers:

I don't think org-noter is part of any official org distribution, having
been a MELPA-distributed package since inception (2017), but in the course
of discussing transfer of maintenance duties with Jonas Bernoulli (in his
MELPA-maintainer role), he suggested that we inform you of the impending
change to the maintenance of this package.

In short, Dmitry and I have stabilized new features brought into the code
since Gonçalos' last commit in 2019 and brought in CI and a few new
features ourselves.  We have tried to contact Gonçalos since early Dec
2022, but have not heard from him.

Here are links to the relevant "issue" tickets on MELPA and the original
org-noter repository where we have made our proposal to maintain the

No action is needed on your part, but comments and suggestions are welcomed.


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