I've already found and corrected the stupid typo, and that didn't
fix this
problem, so it's time to call for help.
I just downloaded 6.28e last night. I am using GNU Emacs, 22.3.1
on Windows
I'm trying to export an org file to LaTeX, and overall it is
working ok.
However, I cannot seem to get the options #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS and
#+OPTIONS:...tags:nil to work. I've looked around some at org-
options, and I deleted the only old export setup file I had. I
would think that
options listed in the file would take precedence over those, though.
Below are a truncated version of my org file and then the LaTeX
resulting from C-c C-e l. The section with the tag listed in
export-exclude is
in the output. The tag on that section is not in the output,
however. My
understanding of this setting was that it would prevent the tree
from export,
not just the keyword. The tags on other sections are also in the
though I have tags:nil.
#+OPTIONS is all on one line in my file.
For the exclude tags option, I tried:
and what you see below.
I did do C-c C-c in each of the options lines after adding them.
I also tried without blank line between top options and #LATEX
could not get export to ignore options marked with begin/end html
Thanks for any help, and for org-mode in general. I voted. :-)
#+TITLE: A test page
#+AUTHOR: Kristina M. Spurgin
#+EMAIL: krist...@infomuse.net
#+DATE: 2008-11-10 Mon
#+OPTIONS: H:4 num:t toc:4 \n:t @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t
TeX:t LaTeX:nil
skip:nil d:nil tags:nil
#+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexportlatex
* How to use this page :noexportlatex:
Here you will find step by step instructions for constructing all
the numbers
we looked at in class. There are also others to demonstrate
concepts we do not
have time to look at in class.
* Concepts
** Standing room and approximating the whole :standing-
Consult the Introduction in v. 1 for more information on the ideas
"standing room" in a class number, "approximating the whole" of
the universe
of a class number, and when you can add on standard subdivisions.
sections are 7.16, 7.18, and 8.9.*
-=-=-LaTeX Output (preamble snipped)-=-=-
\section{How to use this page}
Here you will find step by step instructions for constructing all
the numbers
we looked at in class. There are also others to demonstrate
concepts we do not
have time to look at in class.
\subsection{Standing room and approximating the whole :standing-
Consult the Introduction in v. 1 for more information on the ideas
``standing room'' in a class number, ``approximating the whole''
of the
universe of a class number, and when you can add on standard
\textbf{Relevant sections are 7.16, 7.18, and 8.9.}
Kristina M. Spurgin
PhD student - Teaching assistant
School of Information & Library Science - UNC Chapel Hill
CB#3360, 100 Manning Hall - Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360
krist...@infomuse.net - kspur...@email.unc.edu
http://www.infomuse.net http://blog.infomuse.net aim: infomusings
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