On 3/3/23 16:13, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
BTW, the dollar replacement is something org-table can benefit from---a
number of people are confused because "$" is treated specially by Calc.
I'm not sure what you mean. The dollar in spreadsheet formulas? Like:
#+TBLFM: $6=$5+1
Which means that I misread the sources. I was referring to
| 2$ | 3$| #ERROR |
#+tblfm: $3=$2+$1
Error in the above is because Calc handles "$" specially.
Org or Calc was waiting for something after the $, as in the last row of
this table:
| | | sum | error message |
| 2$ | 3$ | #ERROR | $'s not allowed in this context |
| 2_ | 3_ | #ERROR | Expected a number |
| 2€ | 3€ | #ERROR | Expected `)' |
| 2㍐ | 3¥ | #ERROR | Expected `)' |
| 2£ | 3£ | #ERROR | Expected `)' |
| 2* | 3+ | #ERROR | Expected a number |
| 2 | 3 | 5 | |
| $2 | 3 | 6 | |
| 2$2 | 3 | 9 | |
#+tblfm: $3=$2+$1
We can, but it should be first and foremost added to GNU Calc. On Org
side, we just need appropriate integration. Maintaining generic data
analysis code in Org is out of Org's scope.
Although the latest Calc release seams to be 2.02f, dating back in January
1992. Has it reached perfection 31
years ago?
No. It became a part of Emacs, AFAIU.
New (small) things are being added to Calc as a part of Emacs development.
So, what you said makes sense: adding features to Calc, and then giving
access to them from Org.