at least for context menus or so it might or might not be useful to
install and modify org-mouse.  it allows you to do things like unfold,
check a list box, etc.

On 2/19/23, Ihor Radchenko <> wrote:
> pareto optimal <> writes:
>> I've recently been playing with emacs on Android and wanted an easier way
>> to clock in.
>> My idea was to put buttons beside org headings that are TODO items. I do
>> this by:
>> - removing clocking buttons on heading if present, then adding a clock in
>> button onĀ 'org-after-todo-state-change-hook`
>> ...
> Alternatives can be:
> 1. Showing a side buffer with context-dependent buttons
> 2. Utilizing context menu
>> I'm new to using buttons and emacs and I found the only way to place the
>> button where I wanted was to insert some blank space after the heading. Is
>> that expected and best practice or is there some other way to do it?
> AFAIK, buttons must be on top of actual text.
> You can also use `insert-button'.
>> Would this be something useful in core org-mode? I know at least a few
>> friends who've asked me "why isn't there some button I can click by
>> headings to clock in" when I showed them how I use org-mode.
> Mobile support will certainly be useful.
> Though I'd prefer not to modify the buffer and instead use a
> side window. That way, you can write a minor mode that will create
> configurable buttons depending on major mode and cursor position in the
> buffer. The buttons will also have a fixed size, possibly utilizing
> larger fonts-a useful thing to have on smartphones.
> Such minor mode may then be not restricted to Org mode and could be
> used, say, in Org agenda or other major modes in Emacs.
> --
> Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
> Org mode contributor,
> Learn more about Org mode at <>.
> Support Org development at <>,
> or support my work at <>

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