Carsten Dominik schrieb:
> On Jun 29, 2009, at 9:51 AM, Rainer Stengele wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I wonder if my question was too complicated or too stupid?
> Not at all.  It is only that the implementation should still
> allow flexibility to change list types if you wish and not
> immediately get this change reversed.
> I have now implemented the following which does follow your request:
> (setq org-list-demote-modify-bullet
>       '(("-" . "*") ("*" . "-")))
> This works for entering lists as you describe it.  It does not
> work for modifying lists by demotion/promotion, so you mileage may
> vary.  It allows you to enter an ordered list and not have it
> messed up.
> Comments are welcome.....
> - Carsten
>> Thanks for considering.
>> Rainer
>> Rainer Stengele schrieb:
>>> Hi all,
>>> using org-mode for quite some time now I always look at operations (key
>>> sequences) I repeat a lot of times.
>>> A lot of times I start a list with an item and immediately indent the
>>> next item as subitem.
>>> From
>>> - item 1
>>> - subitem 11
>>> I go to
>>> - item 1
>>>  - subitem 11
>>> via "M-right". Then I always want to change the style of the subitem
>>> list to "*". I do this via "S-right-right".
>>> I wonder how others work. I would like to automatically have changed the
>>> subitem list type to "*" as soon as I indent via "Alt-right". Next
>>> indentation should go back to "-". etc.
>>> Maybe we could introduce a variable that sets the order of standard list
>>> item types, in my case: "- * - * - * - *" as in
>>> - item 1
>>>  * subitem 11
>>>    - subitem 111
>>>      * subitem 111
>>> ...
>>> very special I know but I try to reduce the keypressings as much as
>>> possible. Any other suggestions?
>>> Rainer


thanks a lot for considering this and implementing.
Trying it out with the latest git version I simply end up with

call-interactively: Wrong type argument: listp, 2


call-interactively: Wrong type argument: listp, 4

and so on, depending on the depth of the parent element,
when trying to demote with "M-right".

my .emacs config looks like (created by org-customize):
 '(org-list-demote-modify-bullet (quote (("*" . "-") ("-" . "+") ("+" . "*") 
("*" . "-"))))

How can I trace the mechanism?


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