On 24.01.2023 12:34, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Philipp Kiefer<phil.kie...@gmail.com>  writes:

Org mode version 9.6.1, GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32)

Please see the two screenshots here for illustration:

https://imgur.com/a/7EuUi0J  <https://imgur.com/a/7EuUi0J>

(I'm assuming it's not a good idea - or not even possible - to send
e-mail attachments to the list?)
Quite the opposite - attachments are preferred when they do not have
large size. With attachments, the thread can be understood by the
readers years later, when whichever image hosting you use dwindles.

Great, attaching the screenshots in question. Also attaching an .org file illustrating the previously reported bug plus another related (and more serious as it impedes org functionality) one.

This is the relevant code from my init.el that seems to be causing this

(require 'org-habit nil t) ; relevant?
(defun org-add-my-extra-fonts ()
    "Add alert and overdue fonts."
    (add-to-list 'org-font-lock-extra-keywords
'("\\(³\\)\\([^\n\r\t]+\\)\\(³\\)" (1 '(face org-habit-alert-face
invisible nil)) (2 'org-habit-alert-face t) (3 '(face
org-habit-alert-face invisible nil))) t)
You set 'invisible text property to nil, which tells Emacs - make the
text visible. Emacs obeys.

Well, with Orgmode version 9.5, Emacs was never *this* obedient, i. e. this problem only began after I updated Orgmode to 9.6, which is why I considered it a bug in the first place. I am aware I have set the keywords to be visible but would not expect them to appear at the end of the parent heading for a folded subtree! (see the screenshots and the explanatory .org file). Showing them there does not make any sense in my opinion. I would expect Orgmode to hide these keywords when they are in a collapsed subtree, regardless of the 'invisible text' setting, which is how it was handled pre 9.6 unless I'm much mistaken.

The other bug illustrated in the .org file (also requiring specific settings, see the init.el section in the file) breaks '|org-previous-visible-heading' and probably some other upwards motion commands||in connection with parent items having  emphasis markers as well as subitems.
* Export options: (ignore - but necessary to show problem 1)
#+title: En-GK 12
#+options: ':t *:t -:t ::t <:t H:0 \n:nil ^:nil arch:headline
#+options: author:nil broken-links:nil c:nil creator:nil
#+options: d:(not "LOGBOOK") date:nil e:t email:nil f:nil inline:t num:0
#+options: p:nil pri:nil prop:nil stat:t tags:t tasks:t tex:t
#+options: timestamp:nil title:t toc:nil todo:nil |:nil html-postamble:nil
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <style>*{font-family: Garamond !important}</style>
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <style>*{font-size: medium;}</style>
;; [[https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_font_font-size.asp][CSS font-size 
* =problem 1: (repeatedly press C-c C-p starting at the bottom of the file 
until you get up here -> point jumps up towards 'Export options' before it 
reaches this line - or the line below. Seems to be caused by the emphasis used 
on this line plus the fact that this heading has subitems)=
** top child 1
* +top+
** top child 1
* problem 2: the keywords appear at the end of the parent heading when the 
subtree is folded under the parent.
** ³one child with font lock extra keyword³
** @another child with further font lock extra keyword@
* init.el code causing *problem 1*:
(setq org-emphasis-alist   
(quote (
("*" bold)
("/" org-verbatim)
; ("/" italic)
; ("_" underline)
("_" (:strike-through t))
("~" org-code)
; ("~" org-code verbatim)
("=" (:foreground "white" :background "dimgray"))
("+" (:foreground "white" :background "darkslateblue"))
; ("+" (:strike-through t))
* init.el code causing *problem 2*:

(defun org-add-my-extra-fonts ()
  "Add alert and overdue fonts."
  (add-to-list 'org-font-lock-extra-keywords '("\\(³\\)\\([^\n\r\t]+\\)\\(³\\)" 
(1 '(face org-habit-alert-face invisible nil)) (2 'org-habit-alert-face t) (3 
'(face org-habit-alert-face invisible nil))) t)
  (add-to-list 'org-font-lock-extra-keywords '("\\(§\\)\\([^\n\r\t]+\\)\\(§\\)" 
(1 '(face org-habit-overdue-face invisible nil)) (2 'org-habit-overdue-face t) 
(3 '(face org-habit-overdue-face invisible nil))) t)
  (add-to-list 'org-font-lock-extra-keywords '("\\(@\\)\\([^\n\r\t]+\\)\\(@\\)" 
(1 '(face org-habit-clear-face invisible nil)) (2 'org-habit-clear-face t) (3 
'(face org-habit-clear-face invisible nil))) t))
(add-hook 'org-font-lock-set-keywords-hook #'org-add-my-extra-fonts)

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