Osher Jacob <oshe...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 11:05 AM Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> wrote:
>> If running cmdproxy.exe /c cmdproxy.exe /path/to/input is not wrong, the
>> problem is on Emacs side.
>> Osher, could you try putting your example script into a file and running
>> the command line directly? What will it output?
> Unfortunately, it seems like cmdproxy.exe and cmd.exe cannot accept an
> input file as a command-line argument and execute it.
> In the case of running :
> cmdproxy.exe /c cmdproxy.exe /c C:/tmp/inp
> We get:
> cmdproxy.exe /c cmdproxy.exe /c C:/tmp/inp
> 'C:/tmp/inp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.

... which means that I did not dig deep enough.
Apparently, `process-file' is not passing the file to cmdproxy.exe.  It
calls `call-process', which reads file and passes its contents as input.

So, we don't need to do awkward manoeuvring with "&" and making the src
block contents into a one-liner. It's about understanding how
cmdproxy.exe handles stdin.

> I think it could be enough to make sure the input ends with a newline, in
> which case it could be done the way I proposed in the first message, that
> is changing:
> (t (org-babel-eval shell-file-name (org-trim body))))))
> to
> (t (org-babel-eval shell-file-name (concat (org-trim body) "\n"))))))
> I think as long as this change doesn't break the code in non-Windows
> operating systems (How would we go about verifying this?), it would be
> preferable due to its simplicity and minimality.

This looks like the way to go. For non-Windows systems we have some test

I am wondering if we should add tests for powershell and cmdproxy.
Though only users with Windows will actually be able to run those.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
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