Am Donnerstag, dem 19. Januar 2023 schrieb András Simonyi:
> hopefully somebody more knowledgeable than me can comment on how
> viable this is, but would a @@csl like export snippet construct help
> with the problem?
> In that case your macro could be along the lines of
> #+MACRO: name @@csl:<span style="font-variant: small-caps">$1</span>@@

It is an interesting approach, but it has a drawback. I use this macro
also in the ordinary text when I refer to persons without an explicit
citation. That is, the macro has to work both in a citation and in
normal text. Even if a @@csl: construct would be ignored in normal text,
I cannot see how to write the macro then, because something like

    #+MACRO: name @@csl:<span style="font-variant: 

would still transfer the @@latex: and @@html: constructs into the
footnote. They would have to be expressly ignored by the citation


Dipl.-Jur. M. Gülker | | PGP: Siehe Webseite
Passau, Deutschland  |    | O<

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