Aloha all,
IIUC, timestamps in Org might be used to track two things: events
and occurrences.
An event refers to a particular region of space/time, in Org's
case the space/time occupied by the user, regardless of which time
zone the user occupies. An event might be "Brush teeth before
bed" set for 10:00 PM, which the user would want to make happen at
that time, regardless of the time of day in the timezone in which
the timestamp was applied to the event.
An occurrence refers to changes in the nature and relations of
substances at a time. It takes place in absolute time in order to
avoid circularity. An occurrence might be "Attend virtual
meeting" set for 9:00 AM on a certain day, which the user would
want to make happen at 9:00 AM on that day in the time zone where
the timestamp was applied to the occurrence, regardless of the
time zone where the user happened to be.
I found this distinction in a book called On Truth by Frank
Ramsey, that was unfinished at his untimely death at age 26.
"Event" and "occurrence" were Ramsey's suggestions. He seemed to
like "event", but thought "occurrence" would work, though it might
be improved.
I enjoy having terms for these two kinds of happenings and I'm
hopeful you'll find them useful, too.
All the best,
Thomas S. Dye