On Sat, Jan 14, 2023 at 05:06:31PM +0000, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> to...@tuxteam.de writes:
> >> ... Having an
> >> ability to specify time zones manually will already cater needs for a
> >> number of users.
> >
> > Definitely. But the time stamp (with time zone) in itself doesn't
> > carry enough context to actually decide that [...]

> This is basically what we have now - conform to "current" system time
> zone. We are not going to remove this timestamp style. Just add an
> ability to explicitly specify the timestamps if needed.

IMO that totally makes sense. Most people just use time naively and
aren't around at half-past-three in the night when things happen :)

> > When you have appointments with people in totally diverse time zones,
> > perhaps dates tend to be more fixed wrt UTC.
> AFAIK, people don't usually bother. As long as you can map from specific
> time zone (applying the currently active summer clock time changes) to
> something like seconds from epoch, you can always calculate back to you
> preferred time zone. Look at https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Usergroups.
> They say, for example, "Europe/Berlin", which may be either CET or CEST.
> In any case, selection of time zone for user timestamps is not something
> we need to worry about in Org code. Users are to decide. Org might
> assist, but I do not see anything meaningful we can do to help with DST.

What I can imagine being useful (besides allowing timestamps to carry
that extra info) is the possibility to set defaults, perhaps at the
file (even, who knows, at the heading) level. A special attribute
seems pretty adequate, if I'm not missing some monster.


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