
Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

> Try the following adjusted version:
> (defun org-agenda-skip-before-SHOWFROMDATE-property ()
>   "Skip agenda item if :SHOWFROMDATE: property is set and the day is before 
> it"
>   (when-let* ((showfromdate (if (bound-and-true-p org-ql--current-element)
>                                 (org-element-property :SHOWFROMDATE 
> (org-element-lineage org-ql--current-element '(headline) t))
>                               (org-entry-get (point) "SHOWFROMDATE")))
>               (showfromdate (unless (seq-empty-p showfromdate) (ts-parse-org 
> showfromdate)))
>             (currenttime (ts-now)))
>     (when (ts< currenttime showfromdate)
>       (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max)))))

Fantastic. It does work now beautifully.

[I was about to tell you that it was still not working, because I was
still trying with the following TODO item:

| ** TODO test                                                       :personal:
|    :SHOWFROMDATE: 2022-10-16
|    :END:

and then I realized that the empty line before :PROPERTIES: was breaking
it. With no empty line it works fine (I should've used
org-command-set-SHOWFROMDATE-property from the beginning, which sets the
PROPERTIES in the right format).

| ** TODO test                                                       :personal:
|    :SHOWFROMDATE: 2022-10-16
|    :END:

Many thanks for your help. My TODO list is going to become a lot cleaner
from now!

Ángel de Vicente
 Research Software Engineer (Supercomputing and BigData)
 Tel.: +34 922-605-747
 Web.: http://research.iac.es/proyecto/polmag/
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