Ihor Radchenko writes:

> Quiliro Ordóñez <quil...@riseup.net> writes:
>> Hola Juan Manuel.
>>> There is the YouTube option, which I imagine no one would like (me
>>> neither). The only thing in its favor is that Invidious can be used to
>>> watch the videos. BTW, I watch YT videos through Invidious in Emacs,
>>> with the Ytel package and EMMS/MPV.
>> Nice.  Is there a guide to do this specificly?
> I simply use
> #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/qutebrowser-call.sh :shebang #!/bin/bash
> URL="$1"
> if echo "$URL" | grep "youtube.com"; then
>     # URL="$(echo "$URL" | sed -r 
> 's/\\(www\\)?youtube\.com/invidious.namazso.eu/')"
>     if [[ ! -z $(echo "$URL" | grep "/watch") ]]; then 
>       mpv $URL && exit;
>     fi
> fi
> if echo "$URL" | grep "ted.com/talks"; then
>       mpv $URL && exit;
> fi
> # if echo "$URL" | grep "reddit.com"; then
> #     URL="$(echo "$URL" | sed -rE 's/www\.reddit\.com/libredd.it/')"
> # fi
> if echo "$URL" | grep "bilibili.com"; then
>     mpv $URL && exit;
> fi
> grep "$URL" ~/.data/web-mirror/sources/* >/dev/null 2>&1 &&\
>     ARCHIVE_DIR="$(echo "$URL" | archivebox-cmd list 2>/dev/null | tail -n1 | 
> cut -d' ' -f1  | sed -r 's|/data|~/.data/web-mirror|')"
> if [[ ! -z "$ARCHIVE_DIR" ]]; then
>     [[ -f "${ARCHIVE_DIR}/singlefile.html" ]] && 
> URL="${ARCHIVE_DIR}/singlefile.html";
> fi
> #from 
> https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/blob/master/scripts/open_url_in_instance.sh
> _url="$URL"
> _command=":later 4000 :jump-mark last-position"
> qutebrowser "${_command}" ":spawn -u untrack-url -r -O ${_url}"
> #+end_src
> and my mpv is configured to use youtube-dl.

In this short video I show an example of my procedure to watch youtube
videos without leaving Emacs:


I use:

1. Helm-google-suggest (set to use duckduckgo)

2. Ytel (based on elfeed). With a few hacks that I have added, in order

  - Display thumbnails in the searches.

  - Watch the video at point (via invidious) with EMMS/MPV,
    configured with yt-dlp, which is a fork of youtube-dl that works
    much better.

  - Download the video at point with yt-dlp (full video or only audio)

  - Create a bookmark of the video with org-capture

More info on my blog in Spanish (if anyone is interested, I can translate it):


Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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