Hello Robert,
On 08-10-2022 22:26, Robert Weiner wrote:
Hi Jonathan:
I and I think others would love to understand what you are trying to
achieve. I get that you want to use the Koutline format with external
systems like GemText and the TXR parser generator/Lisp language but I
would rather understand the purpose of what you are trying to build
(problem(s) to solve) and what you can't do with the Koutliner as it
now stands that you would like to do. Try to explain it without
referencing any particular technologies, as I can't follow many of the
things you write because of a lack of context.
How does one describe crimson and clover?
My medium term plans are to adapt my utilitarian setup, so that it
becomes encapsulated.
Im planning to provide augmentation of Icebreaker's stack into areas of:
* text-to-speech
* speech-to-text
* braile
Though initially focusing on software design, I could (eventually) see
advantages of product design to
complement the interfacing and interpreting aspects of my work.
Not technologically speaking, the problem Im wrestling is broadly
similar to George Bernard Shaw (with regards to
notation; shorthand; and semiotics) when he proposed the Shavian
Alphabet to supplant the
Latin alphabet.
Philologists should track down the later half of his preface in the
The Miraculous Birth of Language:
Coincidentally, both his and my approaches to our different problems
settled on a notation with 40 characters.
Focusing on my TXR interpreter, I have been creating my own flavour of
canonical s-exp, Qiuynonical:
Here is an example of the parsing-expression-grammars interleaving
different uris and there comments:
+ (("2:=>" "1: ") ("w-i" (("6:gemini" "3:://" "10:icebreaker" "1:."
"5:space") ("5:/?q=/" ("3:111:1:." "1:+" "6:gemini" "3:://"
"10:icebreaker" "1:." "5:space")))
+ "i-w" ("3:REM:5:bunch:2:of:5:words" ("3:ueu" ("1:_"
+ "bing-x-b-ii-a")
+ (("2:=>" "1: ") ("w-i" (("6:gopher" "3:://" "10:icebreaker" "1:."
"5:space") ("3:/?=" ("3:1aa:1:." "1:&" "6:gemini" "3:://"
"10:icebreaker" "1:." "5:space")))
+ "i-w" ("3:REM:5:bunch:2:of:5:words" ("3:ueu" ("1:_"
+ "bing-x-b-ii-a")
+ (("2:=>" "1: ") ("w-i" (("6:finger" "3:://" "10:icebreaker" "1:."
"5:space") ("2:/?" ("3:1a2:1:." "1:&" "6:gemini" "3:://" "10:icebreaker"
"1:." "5:space")))
+ "i-w" ("3:REM:5:bunch:2:of:5:words" ("3:ueu" ("1:_"
+ "bing-x-b-ii-a")
+ (("2:=>" "1: ") ("w-i" (("5:https:5:bunch:2:of:5:words" "3:://"
"10:icebreaker" "1:." "5:space") ("4:/?q=" ("2:1a:1:." "1:%" "6:gemini"
"3:://" "10:icebreaker" "1:." "5:space")))
+ "i-w" ("3:REM" ("3:ueu" ("1:_"
+ "bing-x-b-ii-a")
Notice how "REM" is actually the first instance of non official token,
starting a new parenthesis but still permitting repetitive patterns for
things like "ueu" as an annotation to still be caught later on (with or
without descriptors (which could be an underline, a tab or two or more
Niceley, the way ive been approaching breakpoints between line-types and
content-types is that you could(!) have iterating blocks of gemtext and
koutliner within the same line - with the datalisp representing it as an
As a consequence, one may then use logic rules for sophisticated
Such as querying a subtext of a gemtext document and appending a
conclusion or requirement in a referenced koutliner block.
Think YahooPipes for playgrounding.
In terms of accessibility, rather than all content being read out, uris
could be counted and headers or notion read out with a distinctive tone.
Or similarly, concerning annotations or dates.
It is of course worth stating that gemtext has advantages for written
prose, especially its ease of transmission with its TLS backed protocol,
I appreciate its simplicity and minimalism, including on a technical and
tooling level.
Here is a (recently released) video from last years Software Freedom Day
concerning Gemini and complexity:
FFIW, the messaging service featured in the talk used sqlite.
I feel that Gemtext is as worthy of usage as Outline for instance and
the cost for interoperating with Orgmode not insurmountable.
It is worth stating that I treat all coding comments as the
aforementioned formats and syntaxes.
With the intention of inverting code documents into a
literate-programming form.
Given that out of the box TXR can operate inside a Gemtext document and
output something different gemtext content makes me feel that
there are a lot of possibilities yet to explore.
This quote from the Gemini community highlights why Icebreaker feels it
is making the correct design decisions (given the importance of Gemtext
to its technology stack):
I am a blind person who is interested in all kinds of different ways of
working with text and writing.
I’ve written in Markdown, Org-mode, tried LaTex but found it just about
as verbose to write as HTML,
and thought about Restructured Text but the advanced stuff in it looked
a lot like HTML too.
Anyways, I got into Gemini because of the simplicity.
I loved the idea of basically a Markup language being the pure writing
method of an entire site.
No static site generator needed, just directories of linked plain text
No CSS, no JavaScript, no Liquid or or shortcakes or anything.
Screen readers are not smart.
They speak whatever the operating system or application exposes to the
accessibility API’s.
Sure, the spoken, or brailled, output can be arranged or massaged
but whatever is there is what will be spoken, from left to right, top to
Some screen readers, like NVDA and JAWS, and Orca to some extent,
do try to massage the data of websites to make them easier to use or to
fix accessibility issues that
the web developer won’t or can’t, but there’s a line they try not to
cross between scripting things to
work better and making up a whole new interface for something when the
UI developers don’t consider accessibility.
Even if the block is labeled, it’s still text, and the screen reader
will do what it does, read all of it.
Now, this isn’t to say that Gemini is bad for accessibility. I love
being able to get right to the content of
a page *quickly* because there are no sidebars, no top navigation links,
no ads, no frames, no nonsense.
It’s like having the whole web in reader view, with only useful or
important links at the bottom or
somewhere out of the way. I *love* that about Gemini,
and it’s why I read it on not only my laptop with Emacs, but on my
iPhone too.
So thank you all for this great way to read and write on the Internet!
https://lists.orbitalfox.eu/archives/gemini/2021/005631.html [Clients]
Gemini and accessibility regarding preformatted code blocks
(an archived citation from a retired mailinglist)
On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 8:51 AM Robert Weiner <r...@gnu.org> wrote:
Hi Jonathan:
Yes, the backlink issue is one of the reasons we have not focused on
moving kcells with permanent hyperlink anchors from one file to
another. We generally feel that the context of kcells within an
outline is important and thus should stay as a unit. You obviously
can and do link to any kcell from outside the outline by combining
the file path with the cell's permanent id and thus could have a
grep-like search across any number of Koutlines.
But I agree a cross-file permanent ID structure could be useful and
that there are times where you want to move or copy outline
structure between files (we already support exporting the text of
koutlines to other buffers or to HTML), so this is a future use case
to consider.
-- rsw
Ive decided to chunk blocks of text as a mechanism to cross-manage my
knowledge assets
Im electing to use an awk parser to do an earlier pass and divide
(gemtext and koutliner)
documents into chunks (according to headers or blocks).
From the chunks hashes shall be made, including of:
* canonical s-exps
* datalisps (formed from Qiuynonical)
* third party formats (orgmode; latex; scribillo
These chunks and interpretations shall form individual files, to be
cross referenced using the token database, ldif.
I understand that ldif plays nicely with emacs.
The current plans are for ldif for funneling issues and troubleshooting.
It should be Gemtext friendly but an inversion of the considered
syntaxes (expessed here in a TXR form):
# @nw-ue_mq-te_sequence_any-header@;;
=> ./mq-tet_raw/@xw-tet_mq-xw_w-te_hash-value-in-canonical-form@(os-2)@
\*/@;; tet_mq-te_constituent_body-without-header
\*/@;; tet_mq-te_constituent_body-without-header
\*/@;; tet_mq-te_constituent_body-without-header
=> ./mq-tet_raw/@xw-tet_mq-xw_w-te_hash-value-in-canonical-form@(os-2)@
\*/@;; tet_mq-te_constituent_body-without-header
\*/@;; tet_mq-te_constituent_body-without-header
\*/@;; tet_mq-te_constituent_body-without-header
This tree approach allows search utilities to get an overriding
impression of a document and how it interleaves with other documents and
project environments.
I feel it should give an idea as to how an knowledge ecosystem is
changing over time, especially if contexts are provided in git messages
for this hashing technique.
Hopefully it can encourage users to have greater granularity.
I feel that it will be useful covering my extremely wide and flat folder
structure within my system.
Ultimately, I want to track concepts as they move within documents and
across filetypes.
If you want to see an example of how gemtext and git integrate nicely
with respect to task-management I encourage you to visit this Guile
Qiuy is a knowledge and interface orientated solution for Semantic
Business Process Management (SBPM) type concerns:
* It uses notation that has the same physical patterns that are used
by any user requiring
the use of modifying keys to command things quickly
* Qiuy is not constrained by being contained within one tool, one
language or one format
(let alone languishing in logfiles).
* Its notation serves as a universal prefix, which is front and
present, terse and proud - permitting people to autonomously
augment according to need, toolsets and context.
* As such, it is not a destination point in itself - rather a means
to an end to reach a goal in the quickest and most succinct way.
* A direct consequence of this is that recall and interaction can be
managed according to tactical criteria
(such as repeatability; signalling; extensibility; or scope)
As such, Qiuy is beneficial for domains such as identifying other
semantic modelling constructs within or across collections
(for say drilling down or across collections such as RDF constructs), or
providing entrypoints for integrating information assets
from alternative linguistic languages (such as Lojban); syntaxes; or
Predicated on putting explanations and expectations into chunks,
Qiuy is a mechanism for description; interpretation; interfacing; and
change -
recursively, whether in imperative; declarative; or functional forms.
Below are examples concerning Qiuy's graph orientated approach to
taxonomies and ontologies.
So for instance for search criteria:
a policy on tasks:
a task concerning internal-policy:
an observed task concerning third-party-policy on the topic of
completing a policy-position around parsing-results
These annotation sets of 40 (36 (single or repeated letter) archtypes
and four for direction and/or normative and positive demarcations)
Two annotations combined creates a permutative range of below 17k
Im often writing with 4 annotations in combination with differing types
of delimeters and descriptions
(with the weighting of the stack to aid handpicking subsets).
There are few clashes with these notations with conventional texts and
The discipline has more of an improvisary and fuzzy quality to it, as if
the initial pathway to something isnt immediately
found there are enough workflows and heuristics to find something (if
not reevaluate).
As such, from the perspective of metaphysics it is operating as
something more akin to body-language.
Or from a scientific management, something like Pitman shorthand.
Im sure you can appreciate how Hyperbole's context aware actions can be
potent for identifying and acting upon these annotations.
In relation to databases, the value of having an interpreter for
representing Qiuy annotations will be significant.
This is because that database will be able to grep whitespace delimeters
in used within queries for annotations or annotations.
Otherwise, only full capture when using '-' or '_' delimeters.
I find my Qiuy annotations, they are similar length but terser than
shorthands or triads.
I increasingly use triads as a technique to delineate between
descriptors using these annotations.
Heres this primer on the types of annotations and how they operate
within a filesystem:
In essence, Im trying to represent a universal prefix to serve as a mid
semantic point notation - within and across systems.
You might appreciate how encapsulating is advantageous from a cognitive
as well as an accessibility viewpoint.
These tooling environments combined in an emacs environment permit me to
really move across a filesystem rapidly and switch contexts casually.
The proliferation of my annotations across content and coding give me a
sophistication that grows capacities unimpeded.
If you visit these logs you may get a better idea regarding how I use
these annotations are used for managing a project:
Fwiw, I started writing a book on Qiuy, though it covers the topic from
a more artistic perspective and is now a couple of years old:
When Im not yak-shaving I can be found here considering such topic areas
On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 6:55 AM indieterminacy
<indieterminacy@libre.brussels> wrote:
Hi Robert,
On 24-06-2022 07:34, Robert Weiner wrote:
Hi Samuel:
On Jun 24, 2022, at 12:32 AM, Samuel Wales
for starters, does hyperbole have any concept of links that
- unbreakable [like org-id]
This one is not so simple to answer. Hyperbole only uses
perma-hyperlink anchors in its Koutliner format. But it would
straightforward to add a UUID-type id for use elsewhere.
- bidirectional [link a goes to link b; link b goes to link a],
reversible via command to say "what links here?" [by any
if desired, please see "id markers" concept on this list for
unbreakable bidirectional links and more stuff]
Hyperbole does not have bi-directional links, only a history
to move back through followed node paths. We have started
about this need recently.
— rsw
Improvements to the backend of Koutliner would be useful,
especially as
(if I recall from the documentation) the API aspects are not so
Bi-directionality would be a priority IMHO, especially to
facilitate the
updating of all links targeting a specific block should it move.
At the moment, each link self updates when it identifies a
which needs to be updated but that comes across as an expediency
I mitigate with direty look running through links to validate they
It would be great to achieve this with an 'eventual-consistency'
way, given that files could come in and out of a system or
Similarly, allowing the perma-hyperlink anchors to be transferred
really mature the format.
Here are some umble functions I use to facilitate moving blocks
other files:
They at least avoid being descructive, as after moving the block
a pointer to where the moved block ended up in the other dcoument
- but
it feels like a fudge which could turn some documents into
While Im sure that you are planning on solving these problems
eLisp, I should point out that I shall have a Koutliner parser,
in TXR (soon to be finalised, Ive had some familial and health
impedencies recently).
Here is a WIP
And a (rough) example
I do need to add some facets (I suspect the linking for other
blocks is
in a seperate script).
I shall also be integrating the parser with GemText (Orgmode would
nice one day too).
I do quite like TXR's datalisp format but I havent gotten around
finding a way to slurping it up into eLisp. I feel like it should
easy to resolve but its not a query which is easy given SEO
The way Ill be approaching this interpreter is that it could
search the
aggregate or a journey from one document. Being able to have an
of multiple documents is something I consider to be helpful, given
domain of cross-referencing.
and FYI, I will be working on outputting RDF from Koutliner and
Jonathan McHugh
Jonathan McHugh