>>>>> On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 18:00:27 +0200, Michaël Parienti 
>>>>> <mich...@parienti.name> said:

>> Details and the patch can be found at:
>> http://www.hardakers.net/code/org-mode/

MP> I think it is a great feature! 

MP> Will this patch be included into org-mode?

I'm glad you've enjoyed the work.  It's actually just been included as a
contributed package in 6.28, which was just released.  In fact the copy
in there is newer than the copy in the web page above (my bad).

See the following worg documentation for details on using it now.  It
has an easier to use system for defining your own export definitions and
binding keys to your definitions:


\ Wes Hardaker                           http://pontifications.hardakers.net /
 \_____ "In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than ________/
       \_______ the soap, and much more difficult to find." _______/
               \_________ -- Terry Pratchett ______________/

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