>>>>> "TC" == Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> writes:

    TC> At any rate, at this point, I suspect this is something best
    TC> handled in individual configurations rather than attempting to
    TC> impose a specific interpretation on everyone. If someone needs
    TC> help to write a simple command to 'toggle' checkbox
    TC> cancellation, I'm sure asking here will get some assistance.

To have it well integrated, at least the following functionality is

- To change to and from the canceled state.

- To clear all the list items statuses.

- Making all the related functionality (blockers, agenda, …) to
  recognize when a task list with canceled items is finished.

- Making it well working with things like org-modern.

It’s fair to say the functionality is not suitable for implementation in
Org for some reason (too complicated, unclear how to do it properly,
almost nobody needs it, …) but let’s not pretend it’s something that can
be added to an individual configuration easily.  Not that the above
couldn’t be implemented privately but the effort would be significant
and the hack would be ugly (modifying org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c? uh) and
non-portable (different markups by different users).  My Org
configuration is already cluttered enough and I rather keep living
without this functionality than polluting it with additional hacks.

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