Hi Max,

>> Agreed – I removed this mailto: link as suggestion in a previous
>> reply to Tim…
> I am not against mailto: link, my intention was to improve message template.

Looking at <https://orgmode.org/manual/Feedback.html>, that seems like it’s much
better than just a mailto link or `M-x org-submit-bug-report RET' as it gives 
(IMO, rather crucial) surrounding information/instructions.

I think we’d want people to see this, and so I’d actually be inclined to make
the “bug report” button link to this page, and the feedback button just be a
`mailto:' link.

> My impression is that this change is against Timothy’s attempt to make the top
> banner cleaner.

For what it’s worth, I personally consider stuffing lines of “important!” text
into that “what is Org?” banner ultimately counterproductive. I think it fails
to provide the information with enough context (e.g. `M-x org-submit-bug-report
RET' doesn’t provide the information provided on the Feedback.html page), and it
also muddies the structure of the page while making it appear more cluttered.

All the best,

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