Giovanni Ridolfi <> writes:

> --- Sab 20/6/09, Ross A. Laird <> ha scritto:
>> Well, turns out my heuristic method works:
>> (setq org-tags-column 100)
>> It required a restart of emacs 
> ????? Really?
> To me it required only:
> + going to the end of the "(setq " line 
> + C-x C-e 
> then the next tag is inserted in column 100.
> When I modify the older headings the 
> tag shifted accordingly.
> May I sugest you to read the Emacs tutorial
> C-h t
> or surf the Emacs guided tour
> and to read the  Emacs Lisp Intro (it is an 
> *introduction* to Emacs Lisp; it is not though 
> for programmers, but for users
> who want to customize Emacs... well isn't Emacs the 
> "The extensible self-documenting text editor?" ;-)

The older settings remained at the old column setting until I restarted.
Since I have more than 100 headings in some org files, I wanted to
adjust them all (not just the new ones). I have sometimes used C-x C-e,
but I find that often I just restart. But yes, I agree: I would
certainly know more if I read more. I occasionally do look through the
manual, and I have even spent time with the Lisp intro; but unless one
uses these functions one a regular basis, it can be tough to remember
the details.



Ross A. Laird, PhD
Chair, Department of Creative Writing
Faculty, Interdisciplinary Expressive Arts
Kwantlen Polytechnic University

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