
I'm a beginner at lisp/emacs, and realize this is a basic question.

I would like to use an environment variable WORKDIR to specify the
directory where
my remember templates are located.

I would like to have a template located in WORKDIR/tasks.org

Using the code below, when I invoke remember-mode and press "t", I get
the default
remember template instead of the WORKDIR/tasks.org.

;; I can get the value of WORKDIR successfully
(setq org-directory (getenv "WORKDIR"))

(setq org-remember-templates
        ("Personal" ?p "* %U %?\n\n  %i\n  %a" 
        ("Work Tasks" ?t "* TODO %U %?\n\n  %i\n  %a" (concat org-directory

Any help would be appreciated.


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