On 7/4/2022 08:38, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Timothy <tecos...@gmail.com> writes:
In this entire 40+ message thread, only two options have been listed (besides
the FSF’s special arrangement) which do not direct people to non-free JS:
Which is volatile in value, regional regulation, and
individual distaste.
Which are a dying (and in some places dead) form of bank transfer
instruction. It’s already been established that Ihor would face a US$200
when collecting a cheque, and over where I am the central bank announced
2019 that at a point in the near future the “it will be appropriate to
wind up
the cheque system”. Last year a neighbouring country stopped offering or
receiving cheques altogether.
[ ... ]
So, to sum up the situation I’d suggest we pick from the following options:
⁃ Accept the situation isn’t great
⁃ Build/fund a new tool
⁃ Convince an existing tool to be more libera-friendly
⁃ Use the FSF as an intermediary
Asking maintainers not to accept donations (or making it prohibitively
difficult) is not a solution.
I support this statement.
Same. This discussion is a classic illustration of making the perfect an
enemy of the good. In a foot race, the goal is to get across the finish
line. Similarly, our goal is to get our money where it needs to go. It's
good to keep that in mind.
"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA