On 02/07/2022 23:03, Ken Mankoff wrote:
I've just upgraded to Kubuntu 22.04. Firefox is no longer instsallable
via apt so I chose flatpak over snap. Now when I C-c C-o
(org-open-at-point) on a URL, Firefox comes to the foreground, but
nothing else happens. The page does not load. If I 'xdg-open URL' then
the URL loads, so the system outside of emacs does interact correctly
with the flatpak app.
Please, seek for various messages reported during this action:
- Emacs *Messages* buffer (C-h C-e)
- Firefox console (Ctrl+Shift+J)
- stderr of the Firefox process, unsure where it can be expected for
flatpak apps: terminal application from which Firefox was initially
started, output of "journalctl --user", in earlier days X11 errors may
be saved to ~/.xsession-errors
- flatpak may have its own log file.
It is rather strange that Firefox receives some event, xdg-open works in
isolation, but not from Emacs. What does happen when
- `browse-url' is called from Emacs,
- a link is activated in an Org document when Firefox application is closed?
Notice that you did not specify which versions of Emacs and Org you have
installed (M-x org-version), and the source of the package: bundled with
emacs, elpa-org deb package, Emacs ELPA package, etc.