Hi all!

I noticed that, when using eshell, sometimes Emacs inserts some non
requested tabs. For instance, let's say I have:

~ $ <------------------------------>
    I can type her normally

But let's say I'm passing a parameter between quotes, like 'echo
"something"'. When I type the quotes ("), after half a second the point
jumps ahead like if I pressed tab:

~ $ echo "    
              point has automatically moved here

Since it happens in some specific situations (like inside quotes) and it
has a defined timeout (0.5 s), I'd say it's triggered by some Emacs
mode. Can you help me in figuring out which one it's causing this, and
how to remove it?

Note: when I launch 'emacs -q', this issue is not present, and giving
'C-h m' gives:
Enabled minor modes: Auto-Composition Auto-Compression Auto-Encryption
Blink-Cursor Electric-Indent Eshell-Arg Eshell-Cmpl Eshell-Hist
Eshell-Pred Eshell-Proc Eshell-Prompt File-Name-Shadow Font-Lock
Global-Eldoc Global-Font-Lock Indent-Tabs Line-Number Menu-Bar
Mouse-Wheel Shell-Dirtrack Show-Paren Tool-Bar Tooltip Transient-Mark

(Information about these minor modes follows the major mode info.)

Eshell mode defined in ‘esh-mode.el’:
Emacs shell interactive mode.

This mode runs the hook ‘eshell-mode-hook’, as the final or
penultimate step during initialization.
Instead, my normal setup gives:
Enabled minor modes: Ace-Window-Display Auto-Composition
Auto-Compression Auto-Encryption Blink-Cursor Corfu Dap
Dap-Auto-Configure Dap-Tooltip Dap-Ui Dap-Ui-Many-Windows
Electric-Indent Eshell-Arg Eshell-Cmpl Eshell-Hist Eshell-Pred
Eshell-Proc Eshell-Prompt File-Name-Shadow Font-Lock Global-Corfu
Global-Eldoc Global-Flycheck Global-Font-Lock Global-Tree-Sitter
Indent-Tabs Line-Number Menu-Bar Mouse-Wheel Org-Roam-Db-Autosync
Projectile Savehist Shell-Dirtrack Show-Paren Tooltip Transient-Mark
Treemacs-Filewatch Treemacs-Follow Treemacs-Fringe-Indicator
Treemacs-Git Vertico Which-Key Windmove Yas Yas-Global

(Information about these minor modes follows the major mode info.)

Eshell mode defined in ‘esh-mode.el’:
Emacs shell interactive mode.

This mode runs the hook ‘eshell-mode-hook’, as the final or
penultimate step during initialization.

Thanks for your patience!


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