I hadn't heard of it so I'm watching a demo. It looks similar to Oberon
(which heavily influenced Acme and Wily) which is an extremely powerful
"mouse-based text environment".

I'm certainly going to give it a try -- it seems like a great compliment to
org-mode and other Emacs power tools...

-- Bill

On Mon, Jun 20, 2022 at 5:18 PM Juan Manuel Macías <maciasch...@posteo.net>

> Hi,
> I've been intrigued with GNU Hyperbole for a while. I'm reading the
> documentation and trying it out a bit. It seems that its button system
> is very powerful. But Org links are also powerful (and exportable), and
> can be extended outside of Org docs. It seems that hyperbole offers some
> cool stuff that Org also has. And other things that are not in Org. I
> find some parts a bit confusing. I wonder if anyone is using hyperbole
> with Org and can put here some minimal workflow example where both
> complement each other in some way. Just in case I'm missing something
> useful...
> Best regards,
> Juan Manuel

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