On 08/06/2022 09:02, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
Can you (and other interested users) try the following value of
org-script-display and let me know if it looks acceptable:
(defconst org-script-display '(;; The values are tweaked to not change
;; the line height.
((raise -0.1) (height 0.7))
((raise 0.25) (height 0.7))
I do not mind. High symbols like "(|)" cross middle line a bit, but
since it is not TeX and superscript can not be above subscript it should
not cause any problem with overlapping.
;; Alternative properties for tables.
;; FIXME: We cannot change the text
;; height because it will alter the
;; symbol width and thus break the
;; table alignment (at least, until
;; org table are aligned via pixel
;; width).
((raise -0.5))
((raise 0.5)))
The issue with increased vertical space between vertical bars might be
alleviated a bit by using e.g. 0.35 instead of 0.5. I hope, subscripts
and superscripts are still distinguishable.
However, it currently uses x1.5 line height for tables creating empty
space between vertical | separators. It looks like a typo for me. It
would make more sense to make table lines compact, not vice versa. Am
I missing something?
git blame gives 0618aeafb39dbf78e753348eaeaddbb7f8104cd0
It seems smaller font breaks horizontal alignment in tables.
Thanks! Now it is crystal clear what was the reason behind the different
fontification inside/outside the tables. I will add the explanation to