Hi there

 - A nasty bug when inserting an item in a list
   in last position (org 9.5.3-g69c588):
   - here is a list
     with a sub list

     - like here ;

     and then text

 1) when trying to insert an item in the list
    above, by suppressing the "x", and hitting
    M-RET, if there's no text after (like this one)
    the command gets stuck in

    #+begin_src elisp

(while (< (point) down)
;; should probably check if forward line returns 0
;; otherwise will keep looping. Something like:
;;  (while (and ( < (point) down) (not(> lines-left-to-move 0)))


;; (setq lines-left-to-move (forward-line)))))


 2) after a break, C-g, or immediately when there no
    text following, text gets destroyed (much
    possibly), the list's structure is
    disorganized and the next paragraph too.

Good luck,

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