On 07/06/2022 13:34, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:

lin Sun writes:
This patch will re-submit the solution based on the last rev.

diff --git a/lisp/ob-plantuml.el b/lisp/ob-plantuml.el
index 6e1b1b1..37a631b 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-plantuml.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-plantuml.el
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
                                ((not (file-exists-p org-plantuml-jar-path))
                                 (error "Could not find plantuml.jar at %s" 
                                (t `(,java
+                                     "-Djava.awt.headless=true"

This looks good and low-risk to me.

Could you, please, clarify why -headless in `org-plantuml-args' is not enough and -Djava.awt.headless=true should be added despite it looks redundant. Another question is why this option should be applied to jar but not to plantuml launcher script. The commit dropping this option has a link to discussion whether this argument is necessary and hard coded in such way.

                                     ,(shell-quote-argument (expand-file-name 

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