
> I admit the demo is rough. I had to quit working on it in order to do my
> regular work. Adding a concluding slide shouldn't be hard though. As the
> method I used to make the demo is highly inefficient, it would be too
> much work to change the font, so I'm not going to do that. Anyway, I
> happen to like the font. :)

Yeah, I was just being fussy about the |---+ sequence of characters in
the table not being aligned...  no problem.

> I didn't realize until you mentioned it that could take
> pdf files. I was thinking about putting the demo on Scribd, but not in
> its present form. Maybe is a better place. I'll check it
> out.

Don't know if slideshare is "better" but it's definitely more suitable
for presentations.

> One problem, which is a result of the way I made the demo, is the large
> size of the pdf. I'm thinking about trying another method which should
> decrease the file size dramatically. But that will have to wait for
> awhile.

No hurry!  Thanks,


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