I'm trying to make a remember template that inserts some text 

I read in the manual that %(sexp) would expand in the template. This 
would be what I want, if I've understood the manual aright. 

I made a small function that inserts text (org-csa) and this is the 
template I originally tried.
("CSA" ?C "* TODO %^{topic} %^g\n %t\n %(org-csa) %&" "CSA.org" bottom)

This put 

* TODO %^{topic} %^g
 <2009-06-15 Mon>

In the remember buffer.

I then tried 

("CSA" ?C "* TODO %^{topic} %^g\n %t\n %^(org-csa) %&" "~/.org/CSA.org" 

Which prompted me for a string and added the (org-csa) in the remember 
buffer. (I filled in the various prompts)

* TODO charity ball :July:
 <2009-06-15 Mon>

Have I misunderstood the manual? I thought that the sexp would be 
evaluated in the remember buffer. But neither with the ^ prompt which at 
least made the remember buffer work as expected or without where even the 
other prompts did not work at all, the (org-csa) did not get expanded.

Obviously I can evaluated it in the CSA.org buffer but that is not what I 
want at all. Maybe I should use org-eval? 


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