This may not do what you want, but check out the 'easylist' package on
CTAN.  It allows deeply nested lists.  It's quite flexible (though I don't
think it lets you specify *different* kinds of list bullets/numbers within
the same list).  There is no org export path to easylist, but by default it
uses a format very like org's plain text list and outline structure (nesting
shown by increasing numbers of asterisks), so one would be fairly simple to

Easylist PDF doc here.
My previous post on
easylist<>on this

Like I said, as far as I can tell, it wouldn't work with your sample
document without some modification, but it does have some possibility for
some kinds of nested lists.


On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 7:07 AM, Carsten Dominik

> Hi Christian,
> this is indeed a shortcoming of the list parser used only
> in LaTeX export, but not in the other exporters.
> Unfortunately I do not have an easy fix.
> - Carsten
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Christian Egli wrote:
>  Hi
>> I have the following org snippet which exports properly using the HTML
>> and the docbook exporter. Open the attached file and export it to HTML
>> to see how item #2 of the parent list contains two numbered sublists.
>> If you however export this to pdf using the latex exporter the sentence
>> "If you use Puppet...steps instead:" is missing and the second sublist
>> is inserted in the parent list.
>> All is done with latest org from git.
>> Thanks
>> Christian
>> ##  -*- mode: org; -*-
>> #+TITLE:     Software Deployment Process
>> #+LANGUAGE:  en
>> ** Production
>> 1. Keep the delivered and accepted package in a save place, so you
>>  have access to it when you ever need to roll back to an older
>>  version or if you need to redeploy the package.
>> 2. Install the package.
>>  1. Unpack the ~tar.gz~ on the production server.
>>  2. Install with the provided installation script such as ~make
>>     install~.
>>  3. Setup some configuration files according to the ~README~ or the
>>     ~INSTALL~ file contained in the ~tar.gz~.
>>  If you use 
>> [[][Puppet<>]]
>> for deployment then do the following steps instead:
>>  1. Integrate the installation in Puppet.
>>  2. Integrate the configuration as described in the ~README~ or the
>>     ~INSTALL~ file in Puppet.
>>  3. Deploy.
>> 3. If the deployment fails or the application doesn't come up, the
>>  installation is rolled back, i.e. the package is removed with the
>>  uninstall script, and the old version is reinstalled. The faulty
>>  package is sent back to Development.
>> 4. If the installation was successful the package is integrated in the
>>  error monitoring system.
>> Software Deployment Process
>> Table of Contents
>>        • 1 Production
>> 1 Production
>>        • Keep the delivered and accepted package in a save place, so you
>> have access to it when you ever need to roll back to an older version or if
>> you need to redeploy the package.
>>        • Install the package.
>>                • Unpack the tar.gz on the production server.
>>                • Install with the provided installation script such as
>> make install.
>>                • Setup some configuration files according to the README or
>> the INSTALL file contained in the tar.gz.
>> If you use Puppet for deployment then do the following steps instead:
>>                • Integrate the installation in Puppet.
>>                • Integrate the configuration as described in the README or
>> the INSTALL file in Puppet.
>>                • Deploy.
>>        • If the deployment fails or the application doesn't come up, the
>> installation is rolled back, i.e. the package is removed with the uninstall
>> script, and the old version is reinstalled. The faulty package is sent back
>> to Development.
>>        • If the installation was successful the package is integrated in
>> the error monitoring system.
>> Date: 2009-06-12 11:40:23 CEST
>> HTML generated by org-mode 6.27trans in emacs 23
>> <test.pdf>
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