Sébastien Miquel <sebastien.miq...@posteo.eu> writes:

> at least as long as you're tangling to a programming language, that
> can read lisp strings.
>> Consider the following example:
>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes :tangle yes :noweb-prefix no :noweb-trans 
>> prin1-to-string
>> <<preamble>>
>> (setq latex-header <<nw>>)
>> #+END_SRC
>> There are two noweb references here. Setting source block-wide
>> :noweb-trans is not helpful because the first reference will be
>> incorrectly filtered through prin1-to-string.
> Indeed. Originally I had thought of adding a new syntax <<"nw">> to
> insert a string representation. I've attached a new patch, that does
> this instead of introducing :noweb-trans. Now that I think of the
> universality of prin1-to-string, I actually like it slightly better
> than :noweb-trans. It would break existing "nw"-like noweb references.

This is too specific, as for me.
Thinking about the whole idea of :noweb-trans more, I see little benefit
compared to something like:

#+name: documentation
This is a sample function documentation.
Because there are "quotes", it must be escaped and cannot be directly
used as noweb-reference.

#+name: doc-escape
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var str="" :tangle no
(prin1-to-string (string-trim-right str))

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes
(defun test ()

Maybe we can instead distribute a library ob babel file containing
useful functions together with Org.

>>> [...]
>> This sounds a bit confusing. I would also add an example where it is
>> useful to set :noweb-prefix to no.
> I've added such an example in the revised patch attached.

Other than :noweb-trans, the patch looks good for me.


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