On 23/04/2022 14:20, Ignacio Casso wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

Ignacio, have you tried recent emacs master branch? Paul reverted most
of his changed, see
Yes, I have just tried, and everything works fine now. Thanks!


I would prefer to keep this issue tracked on https://updates.orgmode.org till a couple of places will be fixed in the Org repository to avoid nil and use -1 instead where `encode-time' expects DST when called in the currently recommended way. I do not insist though, so fill free to close the issue.

I mean some of Paul's patch
I highlighted these changes in
also available as https://list.orgmode.org/572f6010-a544-2f28-c466-e07192f7d...@gmail.com
but I have not managed to add a "patch" entry to updates.orgmode.org

Other modifications may be committed as well, but I would prefer another approach with compatibility wrapper: Max Nikulin. [DRAFT][PATCH] org-encode-time compatibility and convenience helper. Mon, 11 Apr 2022 22:22:48 +0700.

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