Christophe Schockaert <> writes:

> ...
> So, "gM" is related to the second case (2), and I end up with the 
> following error : "Capture abort: Buffer is read-only: #<buffer *doom*".
> As you see, I am using Doom Emacs, but I think it’s related with what I 
> am trying to do anyway.
> ...
> To me, this goes to the internals of Emacs, and how things work 
> together, and this is beyond my understanding of the whole picture for 
> now :)
> Maybe, there is also another way to achieve that goal, which I don’t 
> think about.

An important thing you need to know about org-capture is that it is
using a global capture state. If you call capture inside capture,
unexpected things are going to happen because the recursive call will
modify current capture data.

I would try to save the value `org-capture-plist' in
lisp/cascading-capture and restore it after calling recursive capture.


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