emacs--- via "General discussions about Org-mode."
<emacs-orgmode@gnu.org> writes:

> I have implemented tabbing 
> (http://www.ctex.org/documents/latex/latex2e-html/ltx-58.html) support for 
> ox-latex. By setting #+ATTR_LATEX: :mode tabbingthe exporter will use the 
> tabbing environment. 
> The benefits of using tabbing over tabular:
> - Can span multiple pages (also possible with long tables).
> - Cell width is fixed and does not depend on the content.
> - Cells can overflow. 

Looks useful. Marking your message as a patch to be tracked at

Some comments are below.


Note that your patch >15 LOC and cannot be applied without copyright
assignment. See https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html#copyright

> -;; `org-latex--org-table' or `org-latex--math-table' functions,
> +;; `org-latex--org-table' or `org-latex--math-table' or 
> `org-latex--org-tabbing' functions,

We generally try to keep all the text in source files narrower than 70
characters (default value of fill-column). You can use fill-region to
make Emacs autofill the comment lines.

> +(defun org-latex--align-string-tabbing (table info &optional math?)

It looks like math? argument is unused. Is it intentional?

> +  "Return an appropriate LaTeX alignment string, for the
> +latex tabbing environment.
> +TABLE is the considered table.  INFO is a plist used as
> +a communication channel.  When optional argument MATH? is
> +non-nil, TABLE is meant to be a matrix, where all cells are
> +centered."
> +    (or (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex table :align)
> +        (let ((align "")
> +              (count 0)
> +              (separator ""))
> +          (progn

You do not need an extra progn inside let.

> +(defun org-table--org-tabbing (table contenst info)


> +      "Return appropriate LaTeX code for an Org table, using the
> +latex tabbing syntax.
> +TABLE is the table type element to transcode.  CONTENTS is its
> +contents, as a string.  INFO is a plist used as a communication
> +channel.
> +This function assumes TABLE has `org' as its `:type' property and
> +`tabbing' as its `:mode' attribute."
> +    (let ((output (format "\\begin{%s}\n%s\n%s\\end{%s}"
> +                          "tabbing"
> +                          (org-latex--align-string-tabbing table info )
> +                          contenst



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