Yuchen Guo <guo...@students.uni-marburg.de> writes: > Maybe I'm getting confused here, but as of the latest commit > (cbe3f2d697a973a41a412b826ab9435d5523f3d0): > > - in ox-html.el, `org-html-with-latex' is defined as > `org-export-with-latex', with the comment that: > > `mathjax', t: Do MathJax preprocessing and arrange for MathJax.js to > be loaded. > > - in ox.el, `org-export-with-latex' is defined as `t'. > > Therefore, MathJax is the default export option for math snippets in > HTML exports.
My fault. You are right. I missed that `org-export-with-latex' is a variable, not a symbol. If you think that we need to change the default, feel free to open a new thread proposing an alternative. >> 2. We use MathJax script from >> https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.0/MathJax.js It is >> licenced under Apache 2.0, which is GPL-compatible according to >> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#GPLCompatibleLicenses > > Yes. But it is still problematic because: > > - The license is not declared in the script and therefore not compatible > with LibreJS. The license is declared in the script. You can see it by following the script url. It is right on top. The other question is why LibreJS does not recognise the license. Maybe LibreJS can fix it on LibreJS side or maybe we can indicate that MathJax is GPL-compatible on the html page itself (https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/manual/html_node/Setting-Your-JavaScript-Free.html) For the latter, patches are welcome. > - It is not trivial to `control your computing', as in `modifying the > script and run your modified copy instead.' I am not sure what is the problem here. Apache licence does not restrict modifications and you can use your modified MathJax source by customising org-html-mathjax-options. Best, Ihor