Hello togehter,
is it usual to have auto-fill-mode (automatic new-line after n
characters) turned on in org or org-roam (including fill-column set e.g.
to 80)?
Or let me ask from another point of view: Is it usual to have multiline
list entries?
- first list entry
- second list entry with more then 80 chars/columns two with Lorem ipsum
sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr
- third entry
Without auto-fill-mode it would look like this, without any linebreak in
an entry:
- first list entry
- second list entry with more then 80 chars/columns two with Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr
- third entry
I know that org is not markdown but I tried some markdown editors to
test it. They still recognize the linebreak in my first example and
rendered it "correct" as a 3 item list.
I checked the syntax docu [1] about it but I couldn't find a hint or
didn't understand.
Do I understand it correct that the end of a list is marked by an empty
[1] --