Hanno Perrey <ha...@hoowl.se> writes:

> Hej,
> I have noticed that properties that stretch over multiple lines using 
> the :value+: syntax are ignored by org-element-property and therefore 
> also by e.g. org-export-get-node-property when exporting to ics via 
> ox-icalendar.el (see example below). I was wondering now whether this is 
> intentional and to be expected or a bug?
> * heading with multi-line property
> :LOCATION: Someplace
> :LOCATION+: Some Street 5
> :LOCATION+: 12345 Small Town
> :END:


I am not sure if this should be fixed on org-export-get-node-property
level. Icalendar may want to concatenate the multi-line property
specially. The usual Org approach is merging such properties into a
single line.

I can see multiple solutions:
1. Change Org's behaviour globally and make org-element-property return
   a list for multi-line properties. This will likely break things, but
   I would be in favour, unless Nicolas disagrees.
2. Change org-export-get-node-property to behave like org-entry-get and
   concatenate multi-line properties into a single line
3. Change ox-icalendar to consider :LOCATION+ properties and merge them
   during export.


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